The following are salutations from the inside cover of the found 1971 yearbook of Jim Hugger, Normandy Senior High School, St. Louis Missouri. Misspellings uncorrected and without notation.

To the biggest prick I know. You gotta be the most fucked up person I know. Have fun being a fuckoff this summer. Greg

Jim, to a fuckhead and a punk M.C.

Jim, See you next year and hope you are in some of my classes so we can have some fun Fred

Jim, We had a lot of fun this school year. Especially at lunch when you used to eat me off under the lunch table. Thanks a lot. Rolyn Hertz

Jim, You’re car ain’t no good. I race ya & kick your ass anytime. Don’t get drunk, Doug a

Jim, It was fun in homeroom and science, Best of luck always. Sue Beoutly

To Baby Face, The biggest pusy around. Hope someone kicks your ass soon Kevin

James, May you always do so well as Bobby Sherman and his crew. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Bobby Shermans got B.O., And so do you. Water the hotdogs. “your friend” Edward Lewis Klein

Its been great having you in English and homeroom See you next year Joe Mudd

Hugger, Your a race car driving jackoff. One of these days you won’t have a (unintelligible) because you’ll smash your body into a telephone pole going 95 M.P.H. Good luck you ASSHOLE S.M. ME

Jim, It’s been alright in Pipers class. I could haved used some help at that dance, but you pussyed out, just kidding See you around this summer John Kurz

(portions of the following were torn from the page) Jim A real great guy I’m glad I … to know you… a real pest at times… Cheryl & I know… to cope with that, …k in your senior year…rson who will be a greater… a) R.M.A. Amy Lands “72”

Jim, To my favorite “fruit” lab partner. Seriously you’re a good guy (J.K.) Next year you’ll be a big tough senior and I’ll just have to show you up again if you’re lucky enough to be in my class. Your favorite pest, Kristie

Jim, to one of the sweetest and cutest guys I know. Remember the Ascension Dance and the day you drove me home from school! I.A.R.Y!! bet you can’t guess what it means! Love you Denise Lowry

Remember the Biology classes and how we used to cheat on all those test. I’ll be glad to get out of fruit Pipers class. We’ll have to go drinking again so I can get caught again, like before. Brennan

Jim, This has been some wild kind of experience this year. !@*? The best of luck in your courses next year. Bryan Hunter

Hugger, Now you know who’s been writing on you locker all year. Ha-Ha> on Shipman! Now I’ll write it in your saga Huggers. So when you get a faster car than a maverick 6, come look for me! Good Luck, John Herbert