I love my hugger pillow
Though she has no arms or head
She’s always waiting there for me
when I climb into bed
She greets me every evening
with willing cool compliance
when she’s not there I lie and stare
so strong is my reliance
She always keeps the tally
whenever I am counting sheep
we must have logged a million plus
‘Cause I so rarely sleep
I snuggle and I cuddle
Just like any smitten fool
And she never once complains
When my mouth begins to drool
She tolerates my snoring
My every groan and grunt
And she wakes me up at three a.m.
So I won’t miss Sea Hunt
She buffers me and kitty-cat
Who just might have the rabies
She chaperones my wife and I
So we won’t have more babies
She knows my deepest secrets
my worries and my dreams
she tells me that my midnight fears
aren’t as awful as it seems
I love my hugger pillow
my true and loyal friend
my spooning, swooning comforter
on her I can depend